Author Archives: Church/Social Admin

A film to make you laugh for Valentine’s Day.

“The Holdovers” is a film about a curmudgeonly high school instructor who has to remain on campus over the holidays and forms an unlikely bond with a troubled teenager and the school cook. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Film starts at 8 pm.  Even better – you could start the evening off with supper in the Lanterne Rouge.

Calling all singers and music -makers!

We will have the usual carol-singing round the Garvald Christmas Tree from 6 pm on Christmas Eve. Please bring bells, shakers, drums and any other instrument you can think of. Carol sheets will be provided.

Thanks for all the RSVPs so far.

Still time for you to pop your money in an envelope, decide whether to make a salad or dessert and return your RSVP to Gary and Caroline at The Old Schoolhouse, Garvald.

You may have noticed that Santa’s sleigh-disguised-as-a-skip has gone! Off to Greenland! Christmas is getting closer.

November Coffee Morning

The November coffee morning will take place on Friday 15th (3rd Friday of the month) at 11 am in the Stables.

A couple of people have already offered to provide edibles so everyone else can relax and sample what’s on offer.

A certain “historical document” will be available to peruse!! Irresistable.