11 am in the Stables
Everyone welcome
11 am in the Stables
Everyone welcome
The Annual Garvald Christmas Dinner – that beloved highlight of the festive calendar – will take place on Thursday 5th December at 7 pm. Please put the date in your diaries now, and look out for the invitations coming through your letter-boxes within the next few weeks.
If there are any teenagers out there who are not studying for prelims that night, or busy with school dances or concerts, and who would like to earn a little bit of extra Christmas cash as they help with serving and washing-up, please could they contact one of Santa’s angels….
Caroline McGregor, Elaine McMillan, Trudi Cueto, Chiara Brand, Chiara Vaccaro, Gemma Gilmour, Becca Hamilton and Graeme Maxton
And since we fear there are not many teenagers who routinely check the website please could we ask the Mums and Dads to draw this message to their attention.
The Village Hall Committee
The next pop-up Coffee Morning will take place on Friday 18th October and there is a proposal to hold them once a month in the Stables, on the third Friday of the month. Everybody is most welcome from 11 am onwards.
Any small donations as payment for coffee and cake will be collected for charity.
Gifford Film Club – Friday 11th October
The film this month is “Past Lives” Two deeply connected childhood friends are wrest apart after Nora’s family emigrates from South Korea. 20 years later, they are reunited for one fateful week. What will happen?
Prepare yourself for the emotional journey by booking in for the pre-film supper at the Lanterne Rouge. Sweet potato, spinach and chickpea curry for £15 – book at the cafe. Film starts at 8 pm
A group of enthusiastic volunteers have proposed the idea of a monthly pop-up coffee morning in Garvald to drink coffee, eat cake and have a natter.
If you fancy it, come along to the Stables on Friday 20th September at 11 am. Depending on interest, either the hall or the Stables could be used in future.
EVERYONE is very welcome – even tea-drinkers!
Gifford Film Club starts up again on Friday 13th September with “She Said” – based on the true story of the journalists who revealed the truth about Harvey Weinstein.
Excitingly, the Lanterne Rouge are offering a pre-film supper for £15. Contact them to reserve your place.
And there will be chance to enter the Film Club Prize Draw – with free tickets to the Everyman Cinema in Edinburgh as the prize.
Doors open 7.30pm Film starts at 8 pm
Friday 10th May in Gifford Village Hall. Doors open at 7.30 pm and the film starts at 8 pm.
A musical psychodrama in which Cate Blanchett gives an award-winning performance as an orchestra conductor whose life and sanity start to unravel when she is accused of misconduct.
An offer has been received to purchase Garvald Church which is acceptable to the Church of Scotland Trustees.
An entry date of 17th May has been proposed for the sale and accordingly, with great sadness, it is likely that Sunday 5th May 2024 at 9.30am will be the last service to be held by Garvald and Morham Parish in Garvald church.
We look forward to welcoming everybody who would like to attend.
Tea/ coffee and cake will be served in the Stables after the service.
Neither the Stables not the Glebe are included in the sale.
Possibly for the last time ever –
There will be a Maunday Thursday Communion Service in Garvald Church on Thursday 28th March at 6.30 pm
There will also be a service on Easter Sunday ( 31st March) at 9.30 am