Author Archives: Church/Social Admin

Everyone is invited to gather round the Christmas Tree at 5.30pm on Christmas Eve for some carol-singing. Carol sheets will be available but a torch might be handy!

The Christmas Eve service in the church will start at 6 pm with more carols and candles and children dressed up as angels or shepherds ( or anything they like), and there will be mulled wine and mince pies in the Stables afterwards.

Think of your favourite carol and start us off at the Christmas Tree



Well done to everyone who came along to the Garvald Christmas Dinner last night and provided such a feast for us to share. Special thanks to our VIP guests Jean Waddell and Dorothy Nisbet who started the tradition 50 years ago, and Hurray for Hazel and Father Mark who made the speeches. The whole event was masterminded by Liz Leather with a trusty squad  of helpers.

There are still a couple of dishes and serving spoons to collect – Saturday around 1pm just before the children’s party would probably be best or else contact your favourite Village Hall committee member.

Please hand your RSVPs and money to Chiara and Richard at Broomfield House as soon as possible so we can confirm numbers for the Christmas Dinner on 7th December.

And don’t forget to jazz up your Christmas outfit – 1973 style – in honour of the 50th Anniversary!

The film on Friday 10th November is Compartment No 6 in which a Finnish student and an uncouth miner slowly forge a hesitant connection when they are thrown together in cramped train quarters on a journey across Russia to the far north-west. Will definitely get you ready for winter!!

Garvald Village Hall Trust AGM

The GVHT AGM will be held in the hall on Thursday 16th November at 7:30pm. All residents are encouraged to attend for an update on this important part of our community.As the AGM is not expected to last too long we have taken the opportunity of following it with a presentation from Haddington Camera Club which I’m sure will be interesting and informative.Wine and cheese will also be on offer, making this a community occasion not to be missed. Hopefully this will attract a good turn out. Do please come along.