A Garvald Village Christmas

Continuing the tradition which we started last year, there will be an outdoor Christmas Social event on

Sunday 5th December between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm

  • Start off with a wander through the Village Hall admiring the artwork on display…..see below….
  • Buy loads of tickets for the Christmas raffle in aid of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary ICU
  • Collect your soup and sausage roll from the kitchen – a bargain at £3 per adult
  • Stroll out to the orchard to eat them and sit under the solar-powered fairy lights ( we’re doing our bit for the climate!) while listening to music provided by the youngsters.
  • They’ll be playing in our fancy new gazebo
  • Enjoy a glass of mulled wine, a mince pie and a good chat
  • Wear your Santa hats, antlers, fairy lights, tinsel and wrap up warm
  • Celebrate outrageously when you win some bubble-bath
  • And if that’s not enough you can even wind up with a visit to the Garvald Inn

It would be ideal to get some numbers in advance. Please put your soup money in an envelope and deliver to Anne at The Old School with a note of how many in your family group are coming. PLEASE try to let us know by 3rd December. Or else complete the contact form on the website.

Now about that artwork – we have contacted some local artists who will put up some art……but we would like as many children/fun-loving adults as possible to paint/draw/build with Lego/construct with junk/write a poem/make a Christmas card – whatever you like – and bring it to the hall on 4th December between 10 am and 12 noon . Every artist will be rewarded with a chocolate Santa…..irresistible!

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