Garvald & Morham Community Ladies’ Cheese and Wine Night – Friday 7th March

The next Ladies’ Supper will be a CHEESE AND WINE NIGHT on Friday 7th March at 7pm in the Garvald Stables. We would love to see some of our neighbours from the wider community come along, too!

What to bring along:

  • One or two cheeses to share
  • Something to accompany cheese such as crackers or chutney, etc.
  • Your chosen wine or other drink
  • A knife to cut the cheese
  • A plate
  • a glass

See you there!

A film to make you laugh for Valentine’s Day.

“The Holdovers” is a film about a curmudgeonly high school instructor who has to remain on campus over the holidays and forms an unlikely bond with a troubled teenager and the school cook. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Film starts at 8 pm.  Even better – you could start the evening off with supper in the Lanterne Rouge.

Tell us what you thought

In autumn of 2024, Garvald and Morham Community Council, with the financial support of Crystal Rig Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund, presented an offer to all 199 households in the Ward. WE WANT TO KNOW YOUR OPINIONS ON THIS SCHEME.

The offer comprised:

1 – £100 to every household to offset the extra costs of broadband and fuel bills due to the majority of homes being without access to fibre or mains gas.

2 – Extra help for those who needed it of £200. This was done by self-certification by providing an extra tick-box on the claim form. The aim was to remove any stigma but acknowledging that some of our neighbours may need more support.

3 – Financial support towards installation of any renewable or energy efficiency measure that is supported by Home Energy Scotland. This is offered at 15% of loan or grant offered to a maximum of £1000. This allowed us to use Home Energy Scotland’s assessment mechanisms while promoting more cost effective and greener alternatives. This followed an information event in Garvald in February 2024 . This fund is still open.

The claims were completed by short forms which could be returned online, by email or by post. Proof of address by Council Tax statement was required.

Initially, we used email lists, social media and our website to promote as much as we could. In October, volunteers then posted flyers through the doors of anyone who had not yet claimed.


  • 103 households claimed the £100
  • 11 households claimed the extra support payments
  • 5 households have submitted claims for the installations support. This covers three Air Source Heat Pumps, one PV battery storage and one for secondary glazing.  

Total awarded

Payment for all £10,300
Extra support £2,200
Installations £3,495
TOTAL £15,995


Thermal Imaging for Reducing Heat Loss


Garvald and Morham Community Council have acquired a thermal imaging camera to allow local homes to be surveyed and advice given on measures that can be taken to reduce heat loss. The expected result is lowered energy use and bills and a reduction of our communal carbon footprint.

The survey can be done by a local volunteer or householders can beat the queue and borrow the camera and do the – fairly simple – survey themselves.

To arrange a date, contact either Andy Duncan (Garvald) or Andrew Watson (Morham). We’ll then either arrange a suitable time to carry out the survey on your behalf, or deliver the camera and a simple instruction sheet and collect the camera the following day. In both cases we will review the pictures taken and, where possible, give advice on measures that can be taken to reduce heat loss.

There is no charge for this service.

Please contact us, using the contact form below, if you’d like to take up this offer.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Please click 'Send' when you have completed the form:


    Garvald Hogmanay Event – Request for Feedback

    Many thanks to all those who came to support the 2024 Garvald Hogmanay Hoolie and very special thanks to all the ‘silent’ helpers who magically appear when needed to assist with serving, clearing tables and then especially tidying the hall the next day – you all know who you are and are all wonderful!

    We have noticed that Ceilidh numbers have dwindled slightly the last couple of years and so have compiled a wee survey to just check and see what the general feeling is regarding the Ceilidh and Hogmanay – please see the following link, it should only take 5 mins to complete and will really help inform the way forward.

    In addition, Shirley and Sarah who have been organising the Ceilidh for the last number of years, are keen to step aside now and let others take the lead so are keen to hear from anyone interested in getting involved.  Feedback gathered from the survey will hopefully help steer the event in the preferred direction going forward.

    Please respond by 7th February so a band can be booked if required for the 2025 event.

    Thank you!


    Dog Fouling in Garvald

    There have been a few incidences of dog fouling on the pavements of Garvald, recently.

    Not picking up after a dog is disgusting, anti-social, a health hazard and particularly difficult for young children or the partially sighted to avoid.  It is also extremely frustrating for responsible dog owners who may find themselves under suspicion.

    Not picking up after a dog also carries a fixed penalty of £80 to £100 and potentially up to a £500 fine if the owner is convicted of an offence.

    If you have a dog and find yourself (or your dog…!) caught short without a poo bag, there is now a roll of poo bags hanging in the entrance to the kids’ shelter in the park – help yourself.

    Please see the link, below, to East Lothian Council’s process for reporting dog fouling:

    Dog fouling | Litter and street cleaning | East Lothian Council


    Yoga classes recommence in Garvald Village Hall

    The Chair yoga class restarts on Tuesday 7th January at 10 am in the Village Hall, and the Improvers class restarts on Thursday 9th January at 6.30pm.

    Alternative classes are also on in Gifford, starting next Wednesday 8th January.

    Details and Booking options can be found on

    If you are unsure which class is for you, or haven’t tried one yet but think you would like to, please just contact Kirsty Malcolm to let her know you would like to come along:

    It’s a New Year, so why not follow through on those thoughts of a stronger, healthier and more flexible you?

    Christmas Eve in Garvald

    The kirk might not be an official Church anymore, but the new owner is happy for the community to use it this Christmas Eve.
    After the traditional caroling on the green (around the Christmas tree at 6pm), please feel welcome to pop along to the kirk for a very casual half-hour or so of extra festive midwinter/solstice/Christmas Eve cheer. Bring a reading or a poem or a song to share (before the kids go bonkers and we all rush off to bed)?