Garvald Village Hall

Garvald Village Hall is a valuable and well-used facility for the community, run by the Garvald Village Hall Trust. The hall can be hired for private functions, parties and weddings. See the Village Hall Trust’s Data Privacy Notice for information on how your booking information is processed.

Garvald Playgroup 

Garvald Community Playgroup is run by local families and runs on Wednesdays during term time.

Table Tennis

Play any time! Table Tennis equipment is available for hire so come and enjoy a game or two.


The Hall is maintained by various grants and fundraising events. It also hosts fitness classes, concerts, wine tasting events, parties, and community dances.


The orchard in front of the village hall was planted for the benefit of the community. Residents are encouraged to pick the apples and plums when they are ripe. Don’t let them go to waste!
