The Treasures of Traprain
Sunday 1 September 2 – 4pm
Traprain Law dominates the East Lothian landscape, but its long and fascinating history is well-hidden under the turf. Yet exactly 100 years ago, excavations produced a remarkable hoard of Roman silver from this great hillfort. Join Dr Fraser Hunter in disentangling the hill’s secrets, from Bronze Age power centre to Roman frontier politics. This guided walk accompanies the Treasures from the Hoard exhibition on now at the John Gray Centre: about/museums-service/exhibitions/ treasures-from-the-hoard/
Please note the path is steep in places and there are Exmoor ponies grazing on the Law.
Not suitable for young children. Free.
Booking required: Call 01620 820690 or in person at the museum, upstairs at the John Gray Centre.
Whiteadder – Historic Heart of the Lammermuirs
Garvald Village Hall
Thursday 12 September, 6pm
Whiteadder: The Historic Heart of the Lammermuirs is an archaeological landscape project designed to engage the public and members of local community groups in exploring, learning about and understanding their heritage through landscape survey and excavations. From Garvald to Duns, the project will delve into the history and archaeology of the Lammermuirs, and provide opportunities for everyone to get involved. Come along to hear Graeme Cavers from AOC Archaeology talk about the project, what has been discovered so far and how to take part.
For more information visit: Free. No booking required.
For full programme see