Morham Burns Night

Hi All,

This is to let you know that the next Morham Burns Night will take place on Saturday 27th January 2018 in the Morham Village Hall.

The same award-winning combo of contributors will be returning, from the live music to the excellent grub and, once again, it’ll be a BYOB event – so you’ll only have yourselves to blame if you run dry.

There has been a slight rise in ticket prices this time round, to £25 per head. This is to reflect not just increasing outlays, but also the on-going push to raise funds for the hall – now a registered charity and in the early stages of significant upgrading.
As ever, tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis, with an initial maximum of two per household.

Your place will only be guaranteed once you’ve paid (and there will be no chasing) so no dosh = no ticket!

Buying tickets

If you’d like to come, please make sure you’ve paid by Friday 1st December. Either deliver a cheque or cash to me at Rentonhall Farm, or make an online transfer (email andrew.watson (at) for account details)

If we have any places left over by Friday 1st December, I’ll be in touch to throw it open to those further afield. Those of you who might like to apply for additional tickets can do so at that point.

Please bear in mind, though, that this is a community evening; in the event of over-subscription, priority will be given to those with Morham connections.

Being a community event also means there’s ample opportunity to help out, so feel free to volunteer your services for any aspect of the evening. Obviously those who don’t have a recognised role will more likely be volunteered to give a speech.

Any questions or offers of help, do get in touch. And please do make sure everyone who should know about this does know about this!

Andrew Watson