Voice your support for Morham Village Hall refurbishment

We’ve had an amazing response to our call for Letters of Support and signatures on our petition – thank you so much to those of you who’ve already got involved.

If those few of you who haven’t yet been in touch could possibly find two minutes to drop us a quick email of support. Every name and every email counts, so do please help if you can.

For those of you attending Morham Hall next week to vote, we intend to have a petition available for signature in the porch. Do please look out for it and add your name.

Meanwhile we’re continuing our architect meetings and drawing closer to putting the work out to tender; updates to follow in due course!

Best wishes,

The Morham Village Hall Trustees

DRAFT EMAIL IN SUPPORT FOR GRANT FUNDING, to be sent to morhamvillagehall@gmail.com

I am writing to express my support for the Viridor Credits funding application on behalf of Morham Village Hall to carry out the repairs and upgrades as highlighted in the recent survey by Ogilvy Chalmers. The hall is a vital heart of Morham community life and immensely valued, and I would be grateful if you would consider the application favourably.

Yours sincerely,