Another temporary road closure next week

Late notice has been received about another temporary road closure next week (C104 GARVALD GRANGE TO GARVALD BRIDGE & GARVALD CHURCH ROAD). This has been organised to enable road resurfacing works. The message from the council is as follows:

It is the Council’s intention to undertake carriageway resurfacing works at the above locations commencing on Monday 8th October 2018 for approximately 1 week, weather permitting.

In order to comply with current health and safety legislation, it will be necessary to close the road during working hours Monday – Friday 08:00 to 16:30 hours.

No vehicular access/egress or parking will be permitted on the closed road during these hours with the exception of emergency service and construction vehicles.


SIGNED TTRO 320-18-R.McN – Kirk Brae to Garvald Bridge road closure notice

SIGNED TTRO 321-18-R.McN – Garvald Church Road road closure notice