Category Archives: Table Tennis

Anyone for (table) tennis?

A(nother) reminder that there is a table tennis table in the Hall, if you’re struggling to think of something to fill an afternoon this Half Term week. I know it’s the Winter Olympics, but it’s not all as exciting as the slope style snowboarding … More details here. Game on!

Sunday Badminton and Everyday Table Tennis …

Lest you’ve forgotten over the hectic festive period, here’s a reminder that there is a Badminton Session every Sunday night in the Hall – 6pm till 7.30. It is open to all ages, but costs £1 for adults and 50p for youngsters. For more information, see Caroline McGregor or Jean Casey, or contact us here.

There is also a full sized table tennis table in the Hall, which can be used by villagers at any time. Details are here. Happy whiff-whaffery!


Inspired by the Olympics?

Whilst it would be hard to row (or even canoe) down Papana Water, and the hills out of the village might even challenge Wiggo’s thighs, do remember that the Village Hall has a top of the range ping-pong table for hire! Have a look here for more details. And enjoy …