A wee reminder that it is the Hall AGM a week on Wednesday – 21st October at 7.30pm.
By now, you should have all received an open letter from the current, and retiring, Hall Chairman Barrie Ash. In it, he emphasises the real need for villagers to attend this meeting – to have their say in the ongoing running of their Hall. Moreover, he highlights the need for new blood on the management committee – especially as this year is an election year. According to the Constitution, the management committee must choose a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Even if the incumbents wish to stand again and are unopposed, at least ten villagers should to be there to vote. In 2014, only seven turned up …
So please, dairy the time and the date. An hour of your time next week, could help set up the Hall for another two years. That’s two more Halloween parties, 100 more post offices and over a 1000 games of table tennis at the very least!
Your Hall needs you!