By now, you should have received your invitation to the annual village Christmas Dinner. As usual, this will be held up at Nunraw Guest House – thank-you to Father Mark and the Community for giving us permission. Tickets cost £5, and all adult residents of the parish are invited. To make sure of a fittingly festive spread, each household is requested to bring along a simple salad or cold desert. The catering team will see to the hot food – soup, turkey and trimmings with Christmas pud to finish …
If you would like to come along, please let Katy Mowat know. Either return the tear off strip at the base of the invite, or drop her a line with your name, contact details, and the number in your party. Don’t forget to include cash as payment as well. There are now no letterboxes in the doors at The Rowans, so please post into the locked black box on the gate. Many thanks in advance!