Last year, the Garvald to Gifford core path (236) between Garvald Mains and the Donolly reservoir was upgraded, with fences installed to separate the path from the fields in which cattle graze and a bridge built to replace the ford across the Papana water.
Also, the path along the embankment on the NW side of the Donolly was cleared and although it is not to the same standard as the core path (220) on the SE side, it is now possible for a reasonably agile person to do a circuit of the reservoir. However, it is still fairly difficult to walk in a couple of places where trees are growing on the embankment and at the South-West end where the embankment has been washed away.
If you are interesting in regularly using this walk and would like further improvements to be made to the path, please get in touch using the contact form so that we can inform the East Lothian Countryside Volunteer Path Wardens. If there is enough interest from the community, then it might be possible to arrange for improvements made to this section of the walk. Thank you.