Message from Sandy Baptie, Emergency Planning and Risk Manager, East Lothian Council.
The CitizenAID free smartphone/tablet app gives advice on how the public can take immediate action following, or during a terrorist attack/incident. It offers advice on what to do and also offers some basic advice on how to deal with injuries that may result from such an attack/incident. It also offers information on what to do on discovering a suspect bomb and the immediate actions to take after a bomb has exploded. Thankfully, it is not likely you will ever require to use the information, but the view ‘better to be prepared for any unexpected event’ is one I preach and follow! This app has been given considerable media coverage. More information is given below and on the CitizenAID website.
Why not start 2017 with a resolution to be prepared? Simply download the free citizenAID App from either Google Play or the Apple App Store.
The citizenAID App will reduce the anxiety from difficult decision making in an unfamiliar situation. Follow the logical steps to do the right things in the right order. Stay safe and help us… to help you… to save lives.
The citizenAID app is free to the UK public and is designed initialy for use in the UK. Access is left open internationally for the wider public good, but recognising there is detail that relates only to the UK (such as emergency service phone number). Additional country versions will be developed dependent on demand.