An update from Karl Ingram:
Planned tree management works on the bank above the Garvald road bridge will be conducted from Monday 20th July. This work was given majority support by village residents through a consultation last summer and thanks to the Crystal Rig Windfarm Fund we are now able to go ahead with this work. Permission has been granted by Nunraw Abbey and an approval notice obtained. A local recommended tree surgeon, Sandy Cassells of Root & Branch Arboriculture in Haddington, will be completing the work. Approval has been given by East Lothian Council to remove 6 Larch (conifers), 1 weak Monkey Puzzle, the juvenile Sycamores beneath the mature Sycamore, the small Elders and the holly saplings (while retaining the holly hedge). The mature specimen Larch and two smaller Larches that are acting as a windbreak will be retained, as will the other deciduous trees and the large specimen monkey puzzle tree. Dead wood will be removed from the mature Elm. On the mature Sycamore, the branch growing to the north (over the road) will be cut back to the trunk. The ivy on several trees will be severed at the base and stripped up to 1.5m. Traffic management should cause minimal disruption, by using men with stop/go signs, and the site will be left in a tidy condition.