Following the successful local history night last summer, organised by the John Grey Centre Archives Department, local resident Tim Flinn suggested that Irene Anderson‘s book ‘Garvald, the history of an East Lothian Parish‘ could be digitised for archiving purposes and perhaps reformatted to make it easier to read. Heidi Ingram agreed this was a great idea, as there are few surviving copies of the printed book and the text may be of interest to village residents who haven’t seen it before. Due to the tiny print in the original book not being great for word scanning software, she dictated the work into digital format and scanned in Irene’s illustrations. She used these to produce a revised and updated second edition, including recent local projects and information from the 2011 Census. This edition has been published in her memory, knowing that she would have been delighted that her extensive and important research lives on and has been archived for posterity. Her sister has been sent information about the project. It is formatted primarily for online reading (but has been set to A5 page size so that it could be printed with two pages per A4 sheet). It can be found on the History of Garvald page.