Garvald in Lockdown Photo Project – LAST CALL!

Alasdair has managed to get round most of Garvald and take photos of households; he has had a few ‘no answers’ however. Therefore, if you want to be involved and he missed you – or you are in one of the outlying areas he has not reached yet – please use the contact form below to request a date/time for him to visit you. Afternoons between 2 and 3.30pm is best – or some early evenings. We are trying to complete this by WEDNESDAY 10TH JUNE so that the photos can get printed and ready for display!

As well as a physical display in the village hall/church, we thought it might be nice to include the final photos in the Gallery section of the website. Please get in touch if you would prefer your photo not to be included on the website version.

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