Garvald Village Show – Saturday 26th August


It’s nearly SHOW TIME – and this year we are delighted to welcome George Anderson of the Beechgrove Garden as part of the judging team. No pressure there then for all you growers out there!

As usual we are looking for:

  • Donations for the raffle – bring on the day
  • Donations of home baking – including any show entries that didn’t turn out as planned…(please leave in the kitchen)
  • Children (and the odd parent) to do a stint on teas
  • Help on Thursday 24th at 7pm to set up the tables and again at the end (many hands make light work)

If you are able to help/donate please leave Jo a message on 830 685 or use the contact form.

Friday staging is 7-9pm and Saturday 8-10am (not 7.30am as before). Entries must be in by 10am sharp!

The schedule is on the GHS page.

We look forward to lots of entries and a dry afternoon!