Some of the key information about the Newlands Wind Farm development, for anyone who has been unable to access the information on view in Garvald Church, is provided below.
There are specific links, below, to key parts of the documentation which outline how the transportation will affect local routes and road users, illustrated on page 8 and referred to by Belltown on page 24 of Volume 1 Non-Technical Summary (see link below):
Click to access 6565d0adcaf98_vich_Volume_1_-_Non-Technical_Summary.pdf
… and Volume IV Technical Appendices (Appendix 13.1 Transport Assessment) contains details about transport for both the Abnormal Indivisible Loads and the general increase in traffic (see below):
Click to access 656747972f912_vich_Technical_Appendix_13.1_-_Transport_Assessment_Part_1_of_2.pdf