Thermal Imaging for Reducing Heat Loss


Garvald and Morham Community Council have acquired a thermal imaging camera to allow local homes to be surveyed and advice given on measures that can be taken to reduce heat loss. The expected result is lowered energy use and bills and a reduction of our communal carbon footprint.

The survey can be done by a local volunteer or householders can beat the queue and borrow the camera and do the – fairly simple – survey themselves.

To arrange a date, contact either Andy Duncan (Garvald) or Andrew Watson (Morham). We’ll then either arrange a suitable time to carry out the survey on your behalf, or deliver the camera and a simple instruction sheet and collect the camera the following day. In both cases we will review the pictures taken and, where possible, give advice on measures that can be taken to reduce heat loss.

There is no charge for this service.

Please contact us, using the contact form below, if you’d like to take up this offer.

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