Thank you so much for responding re the bike racks. I’ve received quite a number of comments from villagers but only three were in favour of the proposal.
The positioning of the racks on the green was the main factor in the difficulties people in the village had with them. It was explained to me during a site visit to look at possible sites that the preferred option was across from the pub as they had to be somewhere that could be seen clearly and they would be used mostly by cyclists stopping at the pub.
I had suggested the car park at the hall but given the current ongoing problems we have with parking availability in the village it was important not to take away any current spaces. My suggestion of placing the racks on the pavement (against the wall) was not acceptable as all pavements need to be kept clear. We also looked at somewhere in the park but this was refused as being too far away.
The Garvald Inn’s proprietors were approached about the possibility of siting them in the pub car park but they they felt that the space was need for cars.
Given how obtrusive the racks were going to be, the strong reactions from the people in the immediate vicinity and the general negative feeling towards them, I have declined the Area Partnership’s kind offer. It’s not that villagers were against bike racks being installed, it’s just if they could only be put in that location then the consensus was we didn’t want them.
I hope that the foregoing is helpful and thank you again for taking the time to respond.
Penny Short