To update you all on the Garvald Woodlands Project I can confirm, as a result of several discussions since our last meeting, the bottom line is that everyone concerned is very keen to bring this to a conclusion and, whilst time is not on our side, the aim is still to have these trees down later this year.
Unfortunately, the exceptionally late harvest has pushed thing back significantly, and then the ploughing and reseeding of the field required for the extraction of the timber presented a further potential delay. However the tenant, Mr Hamilton, appreciates the position and is happy for the trees to be taken over this land, and is prepared to replant where necessary.
The abbot, Father Mark, appears every bit as keen as we for the felling to go ahead, particularly since he is again receiving direct requests for this from villagers despite having chased everyone concerned for action.
Scottish Woodlands has also reported some delays with finalising the documentation required to allow them to proceed.
It has been pointed out that due to the loose soil conditions within the field, a repeat of the particularly wet weather we encountered recently could make it impractical for large vehicles to gain access to the site. We therefore have to hope for some frosty conditions instead.
Jim Thomson