GMCC Meeting tonight 7.30pm at Garvald Village Hall, 7pm

The next Garvald & Morham Community Council Meeting is tonight 7.30pm at Garvald Village Hall, 7pm. All are welcome.


1. Attendance and Apologies

2. AGM

3. Minutes of Last Meeting

4. Matters Arising from Minutes

5. Councillors’ Report

6. Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership

7. Update from Kirstie Shearer, Council Liaison Rep

8. Update from Ian Smith, Broadband Rep

9. Update from Phillip White, Funding Rep

10. Update from Ian Middlemass, Treasurer

11. Local Planning Applications

12. Garvald Neighbourhood Watch

13. Garvald and Morham Updates

14. A.O.C.B.

15. Date of next meeting