We are very lucky to have an array of hedgehogs in Garvald. A couple were spotted on the green last night. It would be great if they were a breeding pair with hoglets on the way …
… As you may have read or heard in the media, the species is under great threat. Yes, cars are responsible for a large number of hedgehogs’ deaths – but gardens are also an increasingly deadly environment. This year, the British Hedgehog Preservation Society is asking gardeners to do all they can to help the conservation effort, particularly:
- Ensuring there is access into the garden (all that is needed is 5” square gap;)
- Checking areas before strimming or mowing;
- Moving piles of rubbish to a new site before burning it;
- Ensuring netting is kept at a safe height;
- Checking compost heaps before digging the fork in;
- Stopping or reducing the amount of pesticides and poisons used;
- Covering drains or deep holes; and
- Ensuring there is an easy route out of ponds and pools.
There is a vast amount of additional information on the charity’s website, so please click on the link above and have a wee read. Methinks our prickly friends deserve five minutes of your browsing time!