A Message from Barrie and Stuart Ash

With deepest heartfelt sorrow, Stuart lost Doreen, his devoted, loving, caring mother, and I (Barrie) lost my wife, my love, my best friend, the very best part of me;  she passed quietly away in the early hours of 12th February, at the Western General Hospital.

You are welcome to join us at the funeral service, to be held at Mortonhall Crematorium, Pentland Chapel on 8th March 2023 at 2.30pm.

No flowers please but a DEC collection will be held for the victims of the Turkey – Syria disaster fund.

Please wear something bright and cheery; Doreen would like that.

Following the service, from 3.15pm, we will be holding a small gathering in The Charwood, 47 Buckstone Terrace, Edinburgh. EH10 6QJ, which is conveniently nearby.

Light refreshments will be served and you are warmly invited to join us.